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Physical therapy


Physical therapy is a form of treatment using physical stimuli such as:

  • electric current
  • hot and cold temperatures
  • light
  • ultrasounds
  • magnetic field
  • water baths and showers

The origins of this method date back to 460-380 BC. At the time  physiotherapy treatment was limited to the use of the healing influence of sun rays and mineral water (stimuli still applied nowadays) or natural sources of electric current, like some fish species placed on the body. The development of the civilization and the technology brought sources of new stimuli ( electromagnetic field, ultrasounds, laser), and some natural stimuli were generated artificially (electric current, heat, ultraviolet rays). Currently, physical stimuli are applied with the use of purpose constructed devices and machines, which meet special technical requirements. They enable precise dozing of the stimuli and ensure high safety of the treatments.

How does physical therapy work

The way physical therapy operates, depends on the type of stimuli, its strength ( intensity and time) and the responsiveness of the body. For example: when you are exposed to the sun rays, your skin gets tanned ?the stimulus is ultraviolet radiation, one of the responses is the release of pigmentmelanin. If exposure to the sun rays is short, the suntan will not appear. If too long at high sun exposure ? you may get sunburnt. People with pale complexion may be negatively affected even by small doses of sun rays. Various stimuli may lead to different responses or groups of responses. Heat exposure widens blood vessels ? cold exposure narrows them. Ultrasounds lower muscle tension, electro-exercise decreases or increases muscle tension depending on current parameters. Impulse currents of suitable parameters also have painkilling properties. Matching the stimulus type with its intensity it is possible to achieve intended aim of the treatment. Some physical treatments have a direct influence on cells and improve their functioning (bio-stimulation). This way natural abilities of human organism are stimulated to fight the disease.

When is physical therapy applied

Physical therapy can be applied as additional treatment or the basic form of treatment. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of physical therapy as an independent method of treatment, for muscular-skeletal diseases, has not been proved sufficiently. It is advisable when other forms of treatment failed but recommendations still are for physical therapy.

Physical therapy can also be combined with pharmacotherapy . It is often the case, that negative side effects of applied medicines force patients to stop using prescribed drugs. Some painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines used may cause irritation of digestive system, especially among those suffering from ulcers.

Physical therapy treatments of painkilling or anti-inflammatory nature can be very helpful because they hardly ever cause any side effects. Physical therapy is also used as preparatory proceedings for other forms of physiotherapy e.g. warming up tissues before a massage or kriotherapy (cold application) before exercise or kinezytherapy.

Who performs physical therapy treatments

University graduates with MA / BA degree in Physiotherapy and Licensed Physical therapists are authorized to perform physical treatments. Beside university /college trainings, they undergo additional training at work concerning the safety measures for physical therapy devices and machines.

What are the treatments connected with

Some treatments do not need any special preparation, e.g. electromagnetic field of low frequency can be performed ? through clothing?. Other treatments like laser therapy or jonophoresis require uncovering the skin of treated areas. Some physical stimuli do not irritate sensory receptors placed all over your skin. Therefore, the treatments mentioned above do not result in any sensations.

Other stimuli such as electric current irritate the endings of sensory nerves and can be felt as tingling or pinching. Strong feelings of burning or pain are not correct and should be immediately signalled by patients.

After warming up treatments, it is advisable (especially on chilly days) to wait about fifteen minutes before going out, until the reaction to the treatment partly disappears.

Electrotherapy treatments may result in reaction in the form of a reddening in the place where the electrode touched the skin. This reaction is fully correct and disappears within twenty ? forty minutes, depending on patients? individual conditions.

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Massage Therapeutic


Masaż sportowy jest to intensywny masaż zmniejszający zmęczenie organizmu wynikłe na skutek aktywności fizycznej. Masaż występuje w kilku formach zależnych od czasu zabiegu w stosunku do aktywności sportowej, wyróżniamy: masaż przed wysiłkowy, masaż między wysiłkowy, masaż powysiłkowy i masaż uzupełniający.


Jego celem jest zniesienie napięcia mięśniowo-nerwowego i psychicznego, a tym samym pełne rozluźnienie i odprężenie. Z tego powodu ruchy wykonywane przez masażystę są spokojne, powolne, rytmiczne, łagodne a ich zadaniem jest uspokoić duszę i ciało.

Hot Stone Massage

Masaż gorącymi kamieniami jest formą masażu wykorzystującą gorące kamienie w kontakcie z ciałem ludzkim. Kamienie używane do masażu są pozyskiwane ze specjalnie selekcjonowanych obszarów dużej aktywności wulkanicznej, a zarazem czystych ekologicznie. Różnej wielkości kamienie bazaltowe przystosowane są do masażu różnych części ciała. Tak więc największe używa się do masażu tułowia, mniejsze umieszcza się między palcami dłoni i stóp oraz na twarzy. Masaż gorącymi kamieniami ma działanie relaksacyjne, witalizujące i lecznicze na cały organizm, doskonale likwiduje napięcia mięśni, stres i zmęczenie.


Interferential currents

Alternating current of medium frequency delivered from the apparatus in two circuits of various frequencies. After proper placement of two pairs of electrodes on the skin, the interference of the current occurs inside tissues. The difference in frequency between the two circuits is from 0 to 100 Hz. Depending on current frequency the treatment can have different effects:

-  pain relief,
-  muscle electroexercise,
-  mprovement of peripheral circulation,
-  decrease of sympathetic nervous system tension.

Diadynamic currents DD

Are volleys of pulsed current with sinusoidal shape .there are six types of these currents (DF,MF,CP,LP,RS,MM) having various effects on tissues. Different types of electrodes are used for the treatments: circular, ball point or plate electrodes. Treatment most often used as pain relief. Indications: pain originated in spinal degenerative changes , discopathy, sciatic and brachial neuralgia.

TENS currents

(TENSE from English: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation). impulse current applied in treatment of sharp and chronic pain conditions. Indications: muscle pain syndromes, backbone and joint pain syndromes, can be applied before painful treatments like stretching of contractured tissues or after surgeries to heal wounds. Contraindications: heart pacemaker, the first trimester of pregnancy

Traubert currents

Impulse current makes muscles vibrate which results in muscle relaxation and pain relief. Indications : spondylosis, spinal pain syndromes, muscular tension syndrome.

Kotz currents

currents used for electrostimulation of weakened muscles, lead to increased muscle strength and muscle mass growth. Applied in case of scoliosis, flat feet or as warming-up training for deep muscles. They improve metabolism and lower muscular tension.


Applying drugs into the tissues with the help if direct current using lelctrophoresis effect. It bases on putting conditioned tissues between electrodes placed directly on the skin covered with a proper medicine (ointment or gel).


Stimulating nerves and muscles with galvanic current. Bases on putting electrodes onto specified area.



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Gimnastyka indywidualna

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Gimnastyka przeznaczona zarówno dla osób sprawnych, jak i dla tych którzy wymagają szczególnych ćwiczeń ukierunkowanych na daną dysfunkcję. U osób sprawnych chcących poprawić swoją kondycje, wydolność lub zrzucić zbędne kilogramy gimnastyka indywidualna stosowana jest w formie trenera osobistego. 
Natomiast u osób którzy wymagają specjalnych ćwiczeń, stosowane są odpowiednie metody kinezyterapeutyczne i specjalne ćwiczenia dostosowane do ich potrzeb.

Gimnastyka rehabilitacyjno rekreacyjna

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Serdecznie zapraszamy na gimnastykę ogólnokondycyjną połączoną z elementami tańca, aerobicu, ćwiczeń pilates i jogi. Program zajęć dostosowany jest dla osób w każdym wieku i z różnym stopniem sprawności fizycznej.
Nie ma absolutnie żadnych zdrowotnych powodów do rezygnacji z ćwiczeń. Wymówka, że w końcu cierpi się na bóle stawów, albo też że układ krążenia nie funkcjonuje już prawidłowo lub dokucza reumatyzm, to prawie zawsze objaw lenistwa. Z wyjątkiem ostrych urazów, infekcji czy zapaleń nie ma żadnych przeciwwskazań do uprawiania sportu i ruchu.

Gimnastyka korekcyjna

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Gimnastyka korekcyjna ma za zadanie skorygować wady postawy.


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